Step 1: Determine 15 foods that you will have available to you.
Step 2: Determine… a. the serving size b. calories per serving c. fat grams, d. protein grams, e. carbohydrate grams f. fiber grams. Do this for each food you will have available to you (all 15 items)
Step 3: (Page #2 of what will be handed in) Create day 1 of 3 meals. Include: a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner d. snack. On this menu determine how many serving of each item you will need to eat to maintain your current weight. (mostly guess intelligently)
Step 4: From the list you made on page one, determine the calories, fat, protein, carbs, and fiber for each food portion that is on your menu. REPEAT this for day #2 and day #3 (these will be pages 3 & 4)
Step 5: (page 5) Determine your energy needs for the day. go to the website to determine your needs. Look for your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) as well as your daily needs to maintain your weight based on your chosen activity level. (BMR+Activity = Daily Need)
Step 6: (page 6) On a single page combine all your totals in a way (however you choose) that will show what you have done. Make sure you label all of your numbers (labels include calories per day consumed, or food in, or energy out, or activity, or etc, etc). You will show daily average of input and output, 3 day averages for both as well as your B.M.R.
Step 7: (page 7) Explain what you have learned. Predict if you will gain or lose weight. Will you die? When, and from what? Will you get fat or die of starvation? How much will you weigh at the end of 1 year? (3500 calories in 1 pound). Do you eat healthy? Are you going to change your eating habits? What will you do different? Etc, etc…
Before you turn in your project!!!
Order correctly!!! (by page)
Test page goes on the front!!!! (The one with all the numbers)
Circle/Bold/Highlight all of the numbers on your project pages that match your test page! (All the numbers on the test page should be highlighted in your project)
Give yourself a GRADE 0 – 200
Energy Balance Sheet excel