Look around to find what you need. If you have questions or can’t find what your looking for ask me next class. If you have a question that needs to be answered right away you can always send me an email.  doppa@d93mail.com

  1. Book Link – A digital copy of the book.
  2. Power Point Slides – The entire book on power point, including vocabulary and the answer to all questions.  
  3. Classwork – turn in via Schoology
  4. Exams –  Take in Schoology
  5. Health Class Rules and Expectations


Vocabulary – Terminology and the definitions used in each chapter. (I have thirty years of experience that says it helps you learn and remember).

Questions – The first three questions at the end of each lesson. (They help you learn, if you do not know the answers…… you have not yet learned.)

Tests – The tests are online and are “open world”. That means go and find the answer somewhere in the world. Follow the test links in Schoology to take or retake tests. (This will be graded, and can be retaken 20 times if needed).

Vocabulary Words / Definitions

  P.S.A Videos!!  Playlist Link

UNIT 3 (CHAPTERS 6, 7, 8, & 9) – Relationships
UNIT 4 (CHAPTERS 10, 11 & 12) – Nutrition, Weight and Exercise
  1. Top 15 food choices with 3 days of meals – record your choice here
  2. Meals list – group results click here to see others choices
  3. Food Planner – Spreadsheet – Advanced! Not used in class, check it out.
  4. Energy out calculator – (How many calories do you need??)
  5. Just Dance Videos