In the following paragraphs you will read instructions to get you into your college class. You will also learn how to get that class paid for with free money that has been allocated for you. It is important that you complete the tasks! This process for most student will take a few days, and will require you to check your email and confirm accounts that will be set up. It is best to use your school email for these accounts.
Both parts need to be completed as soon as possible but will take a little time to get you enrolled in the class and to ensure that it is paid for properly.
You, the student, are the key person in this process. You need to do your part and follow up daily until the tasks are completed!
The GREEN button below outlines how to get the money given to you by the State of Idaho. This is free money to use for paying for college credits while in high school.
The Yellow button below outlines how to sign up for your dual credit health class through the College of Southern Idaho.
PART “A”: (Green) Idaho Advanced Opportunities Portal – $$ – Students will access funds here
PART “B”: (Yellow) C.S.I. Dualenroll.com Portal –
Student first needs to create an account.
Step 1: Read these Registration instructions to learn how to create an account.
Step 2: Once your account has been created – Administrative personnel will approve the account within 3 days. You will need to check your email soon. Watch for that Email (use your school email) to verify your acceptance in the course.